desire Apr 28, 2022

Dear Friends,

 The last time I wrote to you, I spoke about the need for VISION. What I might not have said clearly enough, is that once your vision is remembered and given attention, it becomes a present experience.

A VISION is not a far of experience. 

What brings it to life is DESIRE. 

DESIRE is an energy that is  alive in you. 

DESIRE is the fuel of life.

Before breath, there was DESIRE. 

DESIRE aligns the world you can’t make sense of now, to your life’s VISION — your memory of the “land you come from.”

DESIRE does this by connecting your needs and your wants with what you have. It knits together your interior and exterior worlds, to give you an experience of contentment, balance… simplicity and abundance.

DESIRE is often expressed as the things and experiences you want AND need. 

DESIRE feels like sexual energy. This is why it is often shrouded in shame..

When you are sexually aroused your needs and wants are one —you are ever present, yet arriving.

When we allow ourselves to be shamed around how we experience and express DESIRE —the things we want and need, we block the pathways to beauty, creativity and presence. 

For me, I desire to experience myself as LOVE — to experience all of LOVE’s  “essences,” however they appear. I desire to hear my world and to hear myself, to experience stillness and change, to see and be fully seen, to feel a profound connection to all life,  to be at home and be safe.

Today, stop shaming yourself or allowing yourself to be shamed about the things and experiences you want and need. They are DESIRE seeking expression. When you can experience DESIRE without shame, without the need to justify or explain what you want AND need to yourself and others, they arrive naturally and effortlessly.

This is I believe how we can live in your VISION... in the land you come from now. 

Here are some questions for you to reflect on in your journal. 

How do you express DESIRE?

What things and experiences do you really want? 

What is it not okay for you to want?

What things and experiences do you need? 

What are the things and experiences that you want AND need?


Today, may all you DESIRe, come to you with ease.

In BLOOM Always,





To learn more about VISION, DESIRE, and the ESSENCES OF LOVE check out my latest book “FINDING YOUR B.I.G. ~ Finding New Purpose in A Changing World,” 


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