NOW THAT I HAVE FOUND MY B.I.G ~ The Secret Sauce  

#fybigint Nov 20, 2023

   This is the first in a series of posts intended to support members who have come out as B.I.G., by declaring a B.I.G. These posts are at Level 2 and above.



First I want you to know that it is okay to aspire. One dictionary defines aspires as “…to direct one’s hope and ambitions to achieving (experiencing) something.”

Too often we are shamed by others out of our aspirations. You aspirations can be threatening to others, who see you as they see themselves—with self-imposed limits. 

I have come to see that to aspire is to be human, and it is also very divine. 

So when we pause to align our human aspirations with our memory of who we really are as unique expressions of ONE Spiritual being, the result is what we at BLOOM call at B.I.G. 

In the realm of our human experience B.I.G. can be thought to mean: “Big Impossible Goal”—a goal that breaches or threatens our human reality.

However in the realm of our divinity, a B.I.G.  can be thought of as a Big Im’ Possible Goal” — one that honors our unlimited possibilities. 

I urge you to dignify your aspirations by giving them all your attention. PLAYY with them. Look at them carefully from every angle, are they simply egotistical or do they also point to something deeper that you wish to experience on your human journey now?  Who can you see yourself BECOMING, as you commit to it? What emotions does your B.I.G. trigger?  Are you able to embrace and accept these emotions? What boundaries of gateways are falling into place? What next steps are naturally opening up?



The second thing I want to remind you of as you engage your B.I.G is that …

ALL life in essence is here now. The possibility of being and experience that your B.I.G. symbolizes, is here now.

You see your B.I.G. is your memory of who you are. It is the experience of this possibility that has captured your attention, because it is you. 

Imagine that you B.I.G. (Or any goal that is anchored to your VISION) is an opportunity for you to see and experience yourself NOW.

Though you have learnt that everything takes time, and that you must be patient, imagine that you have the ability to experience your deepest desires now, in this moment. 

What might that feel like? 


This brings us to the third reminder:

To hold this experience means BECOMING bigger…being playful in the ways in which you imagine and explore yourself… being able to sense within yourself the essences of your BECOMING.

Imagine also that your body is in you, that you have the capacity to embrace all emotions, sensations,  thoughts, experiences and memories that are arising now.

Imagine that there is no separation between yourself and what your desire; whether that is  the experience of a relationship— of deeper connection with others, the experience of better well being—  that is any desire, aspiration, need  aligned with your vision, in any area of your life! 

Imagine  that it is all here and happening now.

What might that feel like? How would your body move? Where would your attention be focused?  

Here is the secret sauce of a  BIG:

The more you cultivate the essence of your B.I.G. the more you become aware that it is manifesting and being experienced effortlessly in each moment. You are  experiencing everything in its essence now. There is no separation between yourself and the world you desire. 

May we growIin this awareness now.



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Each week, receive a message from Olubode ~ the Founder of BLOOM Education. Each post is intended to help you to get ready for and stay focused during the week ahead!