#futureofwork Jul 25, 2023


How have you been organizing your day? 

This week I have been organizing myself around three focusing questions that capture my imagination. I am noticing that as I attempt to answer them, they help me to organize my day and get to things on my “to do list” with less effort. 

Each thing I do is crafted as an answer to the question that’s on my mind. My answers come in the form of content — a blog post or IG reel, as an action that organizes a project, as a communication with a collaborator. 

It seems we are fueled by questions.

Here is what two thinkers have said about questions:

“The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” 

~ Indira Gandhi.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

~ Albert Einstein,


What questions are you curious about? 

What do you want to remember or know? 

What naturally causes you to dream? 

What question immediately opens your heart? 

What mystery are you feeling your way into?


It seems that the lives we are living now are answers to questions that exist at the core of souls. We can know them when we get still and  listen for them. 

Sometimes the questions come out of the mouths of friends or they arise from grappling with the current state of our world. 

And the answers are our lives. 

Imagine that these answers are in the jobs that you are doing now, the family you have, the community in which you live, the health you enjoy, the adventures you are daring to take.

Here are my three focusing questions this week:

  • How do we hold each other lovingly accountable?
  • How do you meditate?
  • How best can we work together?  

The first came from a member of a group of people who love each other dearly. The second was a question asked of me by a friend. The third, has been my lifelong preoccupation. 

Today if you can, take a moment to listen for the questions life is asking and answering, as you; then speak your answer as a question that is filled with curiosity, imagination, openness and earnestness.

For example for me it’s this….

  • What if we are all already meditating?
  • What if the most important accountability is the conversation we have with ourselves.
  • What if our work together begins with the realization that we dream as ONE?

Imagine that at the beginning of each week, you identify the questions that capture your attention, and live the answer in all you do.

In BLOOM Always,




Check our my blog post on:  THE SUPERPOWER CONVERSATION - How to Hold Each Other Lovingly Accountable:


Olubode is hired by organizational leaders, transitioning professionals and creative entrepreneurs  to help them as they think through the complexities of their lives, businesses and enterprises.  He is the author of two books on Well-Being, Life-Purpose and Balance: BLOOM The Essential Journey- A New Guide to Balance Growth & Well-Being and FINDING YOUR B.I.G. - Finding New Purpose In Changing Times. In them he introduces a new way of thinking and asking fundamental questions based on the five elements that grow and balance life. This body of thought is called “The Philosophy of BLOOMING.”

He is currently the thought leader in residence at the AWO HUB, a Global Collective of Creatives based in Accra, Ghana.His work is focused on working with diverse leaders who are thinking collectively, working cooperatively, and acting globally in the fields of Well-Being & Mental Health, Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Equity and Community Development. 

 More here:


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Each week, receive a message from Olubode ~ the Founder of BLOOM Education. Each post is intended to help you to get ready for and stay focused during the week ahead!